[AMA Manual] 数字とパーセンテージの表記方法

AMA Manual



(1) 文、タイトル、サブタイトル、または見出しの先頭


Acceptable: Two hundred twenty-eight men and 100 women were included in the study.
Better: The study population comprised 228 men and 100 women.

Acceptable: 2018 marked the 90th anniversary of the discovery of penicillin.
Better: The year 2018 marked the 90th anniversary of the discovery of penicillin.

(2) 分数


・common fraction (常分数:分子および分母がいずれも整数である分数)

・mixed fraction (帯分数:整数と分数を組み合わせたもの)

(3) 代名詞として使用される慣用表現や数字

⇒one day、tens of thousands of ~、one of the ~ など

⇒The investigators compared a new laboratory method with the standard one.

(4) 1から9までの序数

⇒The second patient was not available for reevaluation.
⇒He celebrated his 70th birthday while in the hospital.

(5) 引用または出版物のタイトルにある数字


① 数字にコンマは使わない。
  ⇒ e.g. 2007

② 4桁の数字は間を開けない。
  ⇒ e.g. 2007

③ 1万以上の数字は3桁ごとに”thin space”を入れる。
  ⇒ e.g. 12 007

④ 小数点以下が5桁以上の数字は小数点以下の部分に3桁ごとに”thin space”を入れる。
  ⇒ e.g. 123.123 45

⑤ 小数点以下が4桁以下の数字は小数点以下の部分に”thin space”は入れない。
  ⇒ e.g. 123.1234



・Conventional form for time and dates
 ⇒11:30 PM on February 10, 1969


 ⇒3 PM

・”12 o’clock” の場合は、”noon” または “midnight” のどちらか当てはまる方を使う。



 ⇒$39.60、€20 など。



 ⇒one hundred thirty-two



⇒The disease affects 5 million to 6 million people.


⇒Study participants were provided twenty 5-mL syringes.

以下のAMA Manual 例では、10版で迷走した感があるが、11版の書き方にした方が良い。

Avoid: In the cohort of 1500, 690 were men.
Better: In the cohort of 1500 individuals, 690 were men.
Or: In the cohort, 690 of the 1500 individuals were men.

Avoid: In the cohort of 1500, 690 were men.
Better: In the cohort of fifteen hundred, 690 were men.
Or: In the cohort, 690 of the 1500 individuals were men.

In the cohort of fifteen hundred, 690 were men.
Better: In the cohort, 690 of the 1500 subjects were men.



⇒The students participated in the study during the 2020-2021 academic year.



・可能な限り、実際の分子 (n) と分母 (d) を一緒に書くこと。
本文では、分子と分母は、”n/d” ではなく “n of d” として表す。

Death occurred in 6 of 200 patients.
Not: Death occurred in 6/200 patients.


[OK] Death occurred in 6 of 200 patients (3%).
[OK] Death occurred in 3% (6 of 200) of patients.
[OK] Of the 200 patients, death occurred in 6 (3%).
[OK] Of the 200 patients, 6 (3%) died.
[NG] Death occurred in 6 (3%) of 200 patients.

⇒Death occurred in 3 (1%) of the 300 patients.


 ⇒ (1/2)

 ⇒ (1:2)

 ⇒Of all individuals exposed, children were affected at a rate of 0.05.

 ⇒The infant mortality rate was 3 per 10000 live births.
  Not: The infant mortality rate was 3/10000 live births.


~~~ AMA Manualの記載情報 ~~~


■AMA Manual 9版


 [ページ] P.511

■AMA Manual 10版

 [章] 19 Numbers and Percentagess.

 [ページ] P.821

■AMA Manual 11版

 [章] 18.0 Numbers and Percentages

 [ページ] P.961


