①Polypill Strategy in Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention
②Rivaroxaban in Rheumatic Heart Disease–Associated Atrial Fibrillation
③Aggressive or Moderate Fluid Resuscitation in Acute Pancreatitis
④A Randomized Trial of Enteral Glutamine for Treatment of Burn Injuries
①,key medications associated with improved outcomes,良好な転帰に関連する主要な薬剤
①,angiotensin-converting-enzyme [ACE] inhibitor,アンジオテンシン変換酵素 [ACE] 阻害薬
①,secondary prevention,二次予防
①,patients with myocardial infarction within the previous 6 months,過去 6 ヵ月以内に心筋梗塞を発症した患者
①,nonfatal type 1 myocardial infarction,非致死的 1 型心筋梗塞
①,cardiovascular death,心血管死
①,nonfatal ischemic stroke,非致死的脳梗塞
①,urgent revascularization,緊急血行再建
①,primary-outcome event,主要転帰イベント
①,medication adherence as reported by the patients,患者報告による服薬アドヒアランス
②,factor Xa inhibitors,第 Xa 因子阻害薬
②,patients with rheumatic heart disease?associated atrial fibrillation,リウマチ性心疾患に伴う心房細動の患者
②,standard doses of rivaroxaban,標準用量のリバーロキサバン
②,dose-adjusted vitamin K antagonist,用量調節したビタミン K 拮抗薬
②,systemic embolism,全身性塞栓症
②,death from vascular (cardiac or noncardiac),血管系(心血管,非心血管)の原因による死亡
②,major bleeding according to the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis,国際血栓止血学会の定義による大出血
②,permanent discontinuation of trial medication,試験薬の恒久的中止
②,vitamin K antagonist therapy,ビタミン K 拮抗薬療法
②,restricted mean survival time,制限付き平均生存期間
③,early aggressive hydration,早期の積極的輸液
③,acute pancreatitis,急性膵炎
③,lactated Ringer’s solution,乳酸リンゲル液
③,aggressive fluid resuscitation,積極的輸液
③,moderate fluid resuscitation,適量輸液
③,patients with hypovolemia,血液量減少を認める患者
③,patients with normovolemia,正常血液量の患者
③,fluid overload,循環血液量過剰
④,metabolic and stress response to severe injury,重症外傷に対する代謝反応とストレス反応
④,patients with burns,熱傷患者
④,patients with severe burns,重症熱傷患者
④,other critically ill patients,その他の重症患者
④,skin grafting procedure,皮膚移植術
④,discharge from the acute care unit,急性期治療室退室
④,time to discharge alive from the hospital,生存退院までの期間
④,subdistribution hazard ratios for discharge alive,生存退院の部分分布ハザード比