[AMA Manual] Punctuation (句読点): Comma, Semicolon, Colon

AMA Manual

Comma, Semicolon, Colon に関する記述は AMA Manual の9版から記載されている。

① Comma (コンマ)


If the infection recurs within 2 weeks, an additional course of antibiotics should be given.

In some patients midazolam produces paradoxic agitation.

Outcomes result from a complex interaction of medical care and genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors.

The patient has chronic progressive multiple sclerosis.

The studies selected for inclusion were English-language, randomized, double-blind, controlled trials of newer atypical antipsychotic medications.

■ie, egを使う場合
The use of standardized scores, eg, 2- scores, has no effect on statistical comparisons.
The most important tests, that is, the white blood cell and platelet counts, were unduly delayed.

and, but, or, nor, for, yet, soでつながれている場合、前にコンマを付ける。

Plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations were unchanged after lowintensity training, but high-intensity training resulted in a reduction in triglyceride levels.
No subgroup of responders could be identified, and differences between centers were so great that no real comparison was possible.

The test may be useful or it may be harmful.
I have read the article and I am concerned about the data collection methods.

These facilities are beginning to resemble “minihospitals” and are losing their identity as freestanding ambulatory surgery centers.

■yet、so、従属接続詞 (while, where, after, whereas等)
yet、so、従属接続詞 (while, where, after, whereas等)で文をつなげている場合、前にコンマを付ける。

He taught medical students, performed careful research, and wrote thoughtful articles, yet was denied tenure.

I have seen many cases of stroke. Yet this one was particularly ischemic stroke.

The real issue, after all, was how to fund the next study.
Therefore, we were disappointed that the article did not include consideration of medical schools and their influence on the culture of medicine.
What is needed, then, is collective empowerment of practitioners, guided by accountability to the public.

コンマは使わず、5桁以上の数字には3桁ごとにthin spaceを使用する。(4桁は間を空けない)

② Semicolon (セミコロン)


The conditions of 52% of the patients improved greatly; 4% of the patients withdrew from the study.

Seventy grafts were patent, 5 were occluded.

接続副詞(also, besides, furthermore, hence, however, indeed, then, thus, yet等)や接続詞(and, but, for, nor, or, yet, so)で2つの文をつなぐ場合に、文が長い場合や、どちらかにpunctuationが含まれている場合にセミコロンを使用する。

The patient’s fever had subsided; however, his condition was still critical.
The word normal is often used loosely; indeed, it is not easily defined.
Introduction to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to safety should begin in medical and nursing school; eg, the first 2 years of medical school may be the most appropriate to learn error science and principles of leadership.

A number of questions remain unresolved: (1) whether beverages that contain caffeine are an important factor in arrhythmogenesis; (2) whether such beverages can trigger arrhythmias de novo; and (3) whether their arrhythmogenic tendency is enhanced by the presence and extent of myocardial impairment.

③ Colon (コロン)

This dictum is often believed to be in the Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm.

[Correct] You will need enthusiasm, organization, and a commitment to your beliefs.
[Incorrect] You will need: enthusiasm, organization, and a commitment to your beliefs.

[Incorrect] The point is: do not insert the catheter at this time.
[Better] The point is to not insert the catheter at this time.

[Incorrect] Symptoms of asthma include: wheezing, trouble breathing, chest tightness, and cough.
[Better] Symptoms of asthma include the following: wheezing, trouble breathing, chest tightness, and cough.
[Still better] Symptoms of asthma include wheezing, trouble breathing, chest tightness, and cough.

列記する場合はas follows, the followingなどの語句の後にコロンを付ける。

The solution included the following components: phosphate buffer, doubledistilled water, and a chelating agent.
Laboratory studies yielded the following values: hemoglobin, 11.9 g/dL; erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 104 mm/h; calcium, 16.9 mg/dL; phosphorus, b 5.6 mg/dL; and creatinine, 3 mg/dL.

Phytoestrogens are subdivided into 3 main classes: isoflavones, lignans, and cumestrans.

~~~ AMA Manualの記載情報 ~~~

Comma, Semicolon, Colonに関する記載は以下の通り。

■AMA Manual 9版
 [章] 6.2 Comma, Semicolon, Colon.
 [ページ] P.201

■AMA Manual 10版
 [章] 8.2 Comma, Semicolon, Colon.
 [ページ] P.336

■AMA Manual 11版
 [章] 8.1 Period, Question Mark, Exclamation Point.
 [ページ] P.451


