[NEJM] well-child visits (小児科健診)



アブストラクトの中に “well-child visits” という表現が出てくる。

The primary end point was death before 6 months of age.
Infants were recruited at routine vaccination or other well-child visits in clinics and through community outreach in three regions of Burkina Faso.

ブルキナファソの 3 つの地域において,診療所での定期ワクチン接種・その他の乳児健診時や,地域の支援活動を通じて,乳児を登録した.

“well-child visits” について、米国政府のサイトでは以下のように説明されている。

Well-baby and well-child visits

Routine doctor visits for comprehensive preventive health services that occur when a baby is young and annual visits until a child reaches age 21. Services include physical exam and measurements, vision and hearing screening, and oral health risk assessments.


乳幼児、子供の定期健康診断として”well-baby visits”、”well-child visits” が使われ、それは21歳まで続くようである。


参考までにAMA Manual (v11) の年齢の定義は以下の通り。(childは12歳まで)。

Neonates or newborns are persons from birth to 1 month of age.
Infants are children aged 1 month to 1 year (12 months).
Children are persons aged 1 to 12 years. Sometimes, children may be used more broadly to encompass persons from birth to 12 years of age. They may also be referred to as boys or girls.
Adolescents are persons aged 13 through 17 years. They may also be referred to as teenagers or as adolescent boys or adolescent girls, depending on context.
Adults are persons 18 years or older and should be referred to as men or women. Persons 18 to 24 years of age may also be referred to as young adults.

出典:AMA Manual v11


けんこう インディアナ ファミリードクターによる医療・健康ガイド

